West Cumbria power station consenting

ABPmer's specialist input supported the application for a proposed NuGen power station in West Cumbria.

Natalie Frost ABPmer

NuGen intend to build a new nuclear power station on the West Cumbria coast, adjacent to the existing Sellafield facility. The Moorside project had a gross capacity of up to 3.8 GW and was one of the largest new nuclear developments in Europe.

ABPmer was commissioned by the lead environmental contractor (Amec Foster Wheeler) to provide specialist input to Nugen’s consent application.

We assessed the potential effects on marine and coastal physical processes associated with the construction of project infrastructure including a Marine Offloading Facility. We also reviewed coastal and flood erosion hazards to inform the project’s flood risk assessment.

To inform understanding of the propagation of noise from power station construction and operation activities, we used our suite of in-house acoustic modelling tools.

We also undertook thermal plume and contaminant modelling to help regulators understand the effect of the cooling water discharge on the receiving waters; this work included developing understanding of the baseline for plankton.

ABPmer’s planning and consents specialists regularly prepare environmental statements and support developers through the minefield of marine consents.

E-zine sign-up